Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Crumbling on...

The surplus of fruit continues, so in an heroic attempt to deal with
the problem, Mrs JBJ assembled one with apples, blackberries,
plums and pears. As you can see, half of it had already gone by the
time I got to the camera (same with the bacon and onion quiche),
and bloody good it was too. I promise to change the subject soon,
but it's not too late to make your own...

The quantities will depend on the size of your dishes, but the one
above had about 2 pounds of fruit and the crumble mixture was
8 oz of plain flour, 4 oz of sugar and 4 oz of butter (don't worry
about units - it's the ratios that matter).
The last three are put in a bowl and 'rubbed' by hand to make a crumbly texture. The fruit is put in the dish, with sugar to taste, 
and then warmed in the oven for 20 minutes. Then spread the crumble mixture evenly over the top and bake for
30-40 mins at 200 degC, or until the top begins to brown.
Serve with lashings of Jersey cream, ice-cream or custard.
If you're worried about saturated fat and sugar, you shouldn't
even be reading this.


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